Thank you! Your post is so helpful to me, and no doubt will be to many others. The topics you covered give me an idea of how to go about living in a society that I know little about! What I was taught as a born in JW (57)
years ago has been inaccurate to say the least. I won't go into the details of my experiences because in the two months since I left everything I've read are only variations of my own story.
I can't add anything really except to say in the hundreds and hundreds of posts on JWR, (recently discontinued to the dismay many members) , as well as videos, this discussion group, etc. throughout the internet all ring true in every case that I've seen. That says a lot about evil placed upon innocent people.
As can be seen, I've devoted many hours on this. I never read apostate materials until after I left. JW Facts was the first. Paul Grundy has done so much good by his comprehensive and compassionate site.
I especially appreciate that you said how strong those are to have left such a powerful and dangerous cult. I left only 2 months ago.It hit me that all the many many things I've inwardly strongly disagreed with were legitimate! Of course, the very thought of an open question or even a subtle hint of it would be unthinkable!
I never doubted theorganization through. Never, to me I believed every single word from the platform, the literature was directly from God. No question. A channel of communication exclusive to the GB. I l have lived my life in fear and guilt everyday. As it was , most of my questions were about the inconsistencies of the Bible and God. It didn't just didn't add up.
Having realized the TTATT has in this very short period of time lifted the biggest weight imaginable off of me. But none of us need to imagine such a weight since we've lived under it.
Great that you have a big family to love and be loved by! Happy for you!
So, again, thank you for the guidance and acknowledgement of the courage all of the ex-JW have. So kind of you for taking the time to do this. I will save it and reread many times!